
  • Tennis Injuries to the Foot and Ankle

    Tennis involves a great deal of foot work. Foot and ankle injuries can occur from the continuous side to side and quick stopping and starting motions required in this sport. The playing surface also plays a role, as hard courts are less forgiving compared to clay courts. Tennis players should be aware

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  • Thick Toenails

    Toenails will often become thick as an individual grows older. Thickening may also occur as a result of trauma to the toenail, such as when it repeatedly hits the end of a shoe that is too short. Sometimes when something is dropped on the toenail, the nail will fall off. When a new toenail grows back

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  • Tingly Feet

    “Tingly feet" can be a sign of nerve loss. The nerves in the feet come from the lower back. Pressure or chemical change in the nerve can cause a tingling sensation in the feet. Any sensation that is out of the ordinary can be an early sign of neurologic or vascular problems. In addition to tingling,

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  • Tired Feet

    "Tired feet" are not a medical condition, but are a common complaint related to various medical conditions. Abnormal foot structure (flatfoot or high arched foot) can overburden the foot, resulting in muscle fatigue. Obesity, improper footwear, pregnancy, leg swelling, increased activity level, or compensation

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  • Toe Walking

    Toe walking, a condition in which a person walks on the toes or ball of the foot, is most often seen in young children learning to walk. A child who does not outgrow toe walking in early childhood should be evaluated by a foot and ankle surgeon. Toe walking may be idiopathic (habitual) or it can be caused

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  • Toe and Metatarsal Fractures (Broken Toes)

    The structure of the foot is complex, consisting of bones, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Of the 26 bones in the foot, 19 are toe bones (phalanges) and metatarsal bones (the long bones in the midfoot). Fractures of the toe and metatarsal bones are common and require evaluation by a specialist.

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  • Turf Toe

    What is Turf Toe? Turf toe is a sprain of the big toe joint resulting from injury during sports activities. The injury usually results from excessive upward bending of the big toe joint. The condition can be caused from either jamming the toe, or repetitive injury when pushing off repeatedly when running

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  • Ulcers/Wounds

    Ulcers, which are open sores in the skin, occur when the outer layers of the skin are injured and the deeper tissues become exposed. They can be caused by excess pressure due to ill-fitting shoes, long periods in bed, or after an injury that breaks the skin. Ulcers are commonly seen in patients who have

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